WesCo Kara, Kidded April 01, 2023. She had triplet bucklings. WesCo F Legolas is available. AGS/ADGA register-able. Polled, precocious, adorable little buck. $400 – He’s polled! Please Contact Us for pedigree and more information.
We have been very busy on the homestead, through March, and now that kidding season is over for us, it seams like we’re always working! A few things that we’ve been working on: Installing new kidding stalls for our does. Fixing the turkey coop, adding a nesting box to the turkey coop. Planting the greenhouse, Putting up a wind break in the feed area. All 7 of our does have kidded – Pictures and info for each doe will be uploaded in the next few days. Our first doe to kid was our beautiful WesCo Kara, she kidded April 1, 2023 as a first time Freshener.
WesCo Kara, Kidded April 01, 2023. She had triplet bucklings. WesCo F Legolas is available. AGS/ADGA register-able. Polled, precocious, adorable little buck. $400 – He’s polled! Please Contact Us for pedigree and more information.
WesCO F Legolas. Sire is WesCo B Finan, AGS Registered, will be ADGA registered as soon as ADGA fixes their system! Legolas is a healthy 2 month old POLLED buckling. Ready to be weaned and go to his forever home. Asking $400 – please Contact Us for Pedigree information. He is adorable, precocious, and very loveable. Negotiable – Ask!