Brida Kidded April 11, 2023. She had quadruplets! As a first freshener, this girl is a super momma. She had two bucklings and two doelings. They have great bloodlines through their sire, WesCo Apollo. Their grand sire is our herd sire Desertnanny Dark Frost, AKA “Thor.” Please see our “Meet the Herd” page for pedigree information. Meet Charon (blue eyed, polled buckling), Crixus (gorgeous little black buckling), Ciri and Cassie (now Anne and Diana – going to their new home 06/25/23!) Two beautiful little doelings, both polled, like their mother. These kids aren’t registrable, but they are beautifully marked. Please Contact Us if interested in the boys.

Crixus is an adorable little buckling. Sire is our own WesCo Apollo, ADGA registered. He is a healthy 2 month old bucking. He is being weaned is ready to go to his forever home. See Our Herd page for his pedigree info. Asking $150, unregistered – please Contact Us He is a sweetheart, loves to climb in your lap.

Charon is a gorgeous little blue eyed, polled buckling. Sire is our own WesCo Apollo, ADGA registered. He is a healthy 2 month old bucking. He is being weaned is ready to go to his forever home. See Our Herd page for his pedigree info. Asking $150, unregistered – please Contact Us He is a real ham, loves to be loved on!

Cassiopeia- Beautiful little polled doeling. Was born almost simultaneously with Cirilla. She was SO tiny compared to the boys. We made sure she got her colostrum, and opted to make her and her sister bottle babies, since they could not compete against their giant (by comparison) brothers. She is not registrable, but her sire is registered – please see our “Meet the Herd” page for info about their sire: WesCo Apollo. She (now Diana) and her sister will be traveling to their forever home on June 25, 2023.

Cirilla – A Beautiful little polled doeling. Was born almost simultaneously with Cassiopeia. She was also SO tiny compared to the boys. We made sure she got her colostrum, and opted to make her and her sister bottle babies, since they could not compete against their giant (by comparison) brothers. She is not registrable, but her sire is registered – please see our “Meet the Herd” page for info about their sire: WesCo Apollo. She (now Anne) and her sister will be traveling to their forever home on June 25, 2023.