Xena Kidded April 20, 2023. She had twins. She had two doelings. They have great bloodlines through their sire, WesCo Apollo. Their grand sire is our herd sire Desertnanny Dark Frost, AKA “Thor.” Please see our “Meet the Herd” page for their information. Meet Yennifer and Yelena. They found their forever homes already and are now living as pets with new names: Ethel and Lucy.

Yelena – A Beautiful little buckskin doeling, with gorgeous coloring and extensive white, and blue eyes! She was tiny compared to Yennifer. She is not registrable, but her sire is registered – please see our “Meet the Herd” page for info about their sire: WesCo Apollo. She (now Lucy) and her sister went to their forever home as bottle babies on June 1, 2023. Last report, they are doing great!

Yennifer – A Beautiful black and white doeling, with blue eyes! She was quite a bit bigger than her sister at birth. She is not registrable, but her sire is registered – please see our “Meet the Herd” page for info about their sire: WesCo Apollo. She (now Ethel) and her sister went to their forever home as bottle babies on June 1, 2023. Last report, they are doing great!