Breeding Pen…

In preparation for the breeding season, we built a shelter for the breeding pen. The pen itself is about 20ft wide by 40ft long. The Shelter is 4ft by 8ft, and insulated with straw. The goats will be moved into the pen as the does go into heat - with the appropriate buck, left overnight.

Expanding the Buck pen

We finished expanding the buck pen, and I’ve finally taken the time to post some pictures! We have 5 bucks – our herd sire, Thor (Desertnanny DE Dark Frost) and three of his offspring: WesCo Apollo, WesCo Maximus, and Hymdahl, Wesco Farms, Hymdahl who is available Contact Us if interested.

Fall 2022 Breeding Schedule

Fall, 2022 Breeding Schedule

This is our first year of controlled breeding.  Since we started last year with two does, one being pregnant when purchased, and doubled our herd size (of two) to four last September, then purchased a registered buck and three does, and had a prolific Spring kidding season – we went from 4, to 8 to 20 by the end of April 2022 – can you say Goat Math? We did purchase our boy Finan from a good breeder, and are looking forward to adding his genetics to our herd. Below, I’ll post who we plan to breed to whom, and what bloodlines we have. Some of our does are ADGA Registered, and some aren’t. Please contact us if you have any questions, or are interested in reserving a Spring 2023 Kid, please  Contact Us.
Registered name: Desertnanny DE Dark Frost - *Thor - He is our main herd sire This Fall he'll be bred to:
Registered name: Desertnanny KT Wanna S'More? *Torvi, Comes from a line of 3*M and 4*M does.
Registerd name: WesCo Apollo
Out of *Thor and *Torvi
Brida, our first born on the ranch on September 12, 2021, polled, not registered. Her sire is possibly registered as
El Diablo, dam - our girl Freyja (unregistered)
Xena, twin to Brida, Polled. Our miracle baby. She was so tiny at birth, we didn't think she would make it, but she did and is gorgeous. Not registered. Her sire is possibly registered as
El Diablo, dam - our girl Freyja (unregistered)
Registered name: HJ Summit Farm B Finan - *Finan
Our "New Blood"
He will be bred to:
Registered name: DesertNanny KT Midnight Luna - *Artemis Comes from a line of 3*M and 4*M does.
Registered name: WesCo Briseis
Out of *Thor and *Artemis.
Registered name: WesCo Kara
Out of *Thor and *Siggy.
Registered name: WesCo Athena
Out of *Thor and *Torvi - we may or may not breed her, she is pretty small, and if she is too small we won't breed.
Registered Name: WesCo Maximus
Out of *Thor and *Torvi.
Registered name: Desertnanny GO Carmel Latte - *Siggy, comes from a line of 6*M does - we plan to have her milk tested in 2023 to get her own 7*m star!

The Herd:

The Herd:

Thor, our herd buck. Sire to 13 of our kids…
Thor, our herd buck. Sire to 13 of our kids…
Finan, new blood, 2nd Herd Sire
Finan, new blood, 2nd Herd Sire
Wesco Farms, Hymdahl
Hymdahl, born 4/2/2022 Availlable
Maximus Born 4/2022
Maximus Born 4/2022
Apollo, our pretty blue eyed boy Born April 4, 2022
Apollo, our pretty blue eyed boy Born April 4, 2022
Freyja, mom to quints!
Freyja, mom to quints!
Hera -unregistered, great mom!
Hera -unregistered, great mom!
Siggy (registered as Carmel Late)
Siggy (registered as Carmel Late)
Artemis, Registered as Midnight Luna
Artemis, Registered as Midnight Luna
Torvi, Registered as Wanna S'More?
Torvi, Registered as Wanna S'More?
Brida, Polled
Brida, Polled
Xena, polled
Xena, polled
Brida (left) Xena (Right)
Brida (left) Xena (Right)
Briseis - Wesco Briseis
Briseis - Wesco Briseis
Boudicca, WesCo Boudicca
Boudicca, WesCo Boudicca
Our pretty little Athena, WesCo Athena
Our pretty little Athena, WesCo Athena
Kara, Wesco Kara
Kara, Wesco Kara
Gisela & Sansa
Wesco Gisela & WesCo Sansa
Gisela & Sansa Wesco Gisela & WesCo Sansa
Lyanna, unregistered - very lovable
Lyanna, unregistered - very lovable
My sweet, tiny Ygritte
My sweet, tiny Ygritte
Lucas with Ygritte
Lucas with Ygritte
Lucas with Artemis (Midnight Luna)
Lucas holding Artemis
Artemis & Brida Playing
Artemis & Brida Playing
Me feeding kids April 2022
Me feeding kids April 2022