

Our Lavender/Sage soap is wonderful for calming irritated skin, helping with acne and eczema. It has a wonderful, subtle scent, never over-powering.

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Lavender_Sage_Soap100% Natural Ingredients: Goat Milk Soap, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Sunflower oil, Sodium Hydroxide, crushed, dried Lavender and Sage. Dried Lavender has anti-fungal properties and can help acne, and reduce inflammation. It can help keep eczema and psoriasis, and other skin conditions soothed and stress free. It has a wonderful, relaxing fragrance. Sage also has anti-bacterial properties. Sage’s main ingredient, ursolic acid, exfoliates and deep cleanses the skin to prevent. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it great for  acne and eczema flare ups.