Homestead Life
It’s about time!
It's about time!

Update on Homestead Life…
Life on the Homestead...
I haven’t updated the website with news for several months, several things have happened that have kept me very busy and preoccupied. We have been busy making cheese and soap, and fighting some heartbreak (not on our ranch, but a kid we sold was lost in October, and I haven’t had the heart to update about it.) A lot of other things have kept us busy too…
In case you didn’t know it, all three of us are aspiring writers. I’ve been trying to do some editing on my own story, and Lucas’ story. Wes has published 3 short stories on Amazon Kindle – You can check them out here: Wesley Johnson, Surviving Life – Wesley Johnson, The Homestead Hit Man : A Rane Sundry Story – Wesley Johnson, The Last Hurrah of Cullin Goss
We also have five does bred from this Fall’s breeding: WesCo Kara was bred to our boy WesCo Cronos (he escaped in September – and we weren’t quite quick enough to grab him before he “desecrated” Kara, lol) Kara is due February 21, 2024. We bred our girl WesCo Athena to WesCo Cesare (this breeding was planned!) she is due April 8th or 9th, and our girls WesCo Gisela – due April 15th, Wesco Sansa – due April 4th, and Siggy (Desertnanny GO Carmel Latte) – due April 17th to April 20th – not positive of Siggy’s due date… all three of these girls were bred to our gorgeous proven buck HJ Summit Finan. Please check out our Meet Our Herd page. If you have any questions, or would like to inquire about reserving a kid from our 2024 Spring kidding season, please Contact Us

Update on Anne & Diane
Our girl WesCo Brida (unregistered) gave us quadruplets on April 11, 2023. Two bucklings (Crixus is still available, Contact Us if interested.) and two doelings. Our two gorgeous little doelings Anne and Diane went to their new home on June 25th, to a wonderful family in Peoria, AZ.

Update on Ethel and Lucy
On April 20th, our girl Xena gave birth to two gorgeous little doelings. These girls were so pretty that they were snatched up early as bottle babies. They went to a wonderful family in Concho, AZ and have been living life as spoiled girls! Enjoy some great pictures of these beauties!

Update on Lyanna and Ygritte
We like to stay in touch with the people we’ve sold our kids or adult goats to, to make sure everyone is happy, healthy, and to help in any way we can, if needed.
Back in June of this year (2023) we sold our last two unregistered girls to a wonderful lady in New Mexico. She sent us an update back in July – I apologize for the delay in getting this posted – I had foot surgery July 21, and a lot of things didn’t get updated due to my recovery. Here are some pictures of the escapades of Lyanna and Ygritte in their new home.

Wanna S’More – AKA Torvi

Torvi Kidded April 25, 2023. She had triplet bucklings. Unfortunately, one was stillborn. She has two healthy, blue eyed bucklings. Meet Ulrik and Ulysses. They have a great pedigree with bloodlines through Desertnanny, on both their dam and sire’s side. Please see their full pedigree on our Herd Page.

WesCo Ulrik Is a blue eyed gorgeous little buckling. Sire is Desertnanny DE Dark Frost, AA “Thor” He can be ADGA registered as soon as ADGA fixes their system! Ulrik is a healthy 3 month old Blue-eyed bucking. He went to his forever home last week on 7/17/23. See Our Herd page for his pedigree info.

WesCo Ulysses Is a blue eyed adorable little buckling. Sire is Desertnanny DE Dark Frost, AKA “Thor” He can be AGS registered, or ADGA registered as soon as ADGA fixes their system! Ulysses is a healthy 3 month old Blue-eyed bucking. He is ready to go to his forever home. $350 registered, $150 unregistered. Please see our “Meet Our Herd” page for his pedigree info.
WesCo Xena

Xena Kidded April 20, 2023. She had twins. She had two doelings. They have great bloodlines through their sire, WesCo Apollo. Their grand sire is our herd sire Desertnanny Dark Frost, AKA “Thor.” Please see our “Meet the Herd” page for their information. Meet Yennifer and Yelena. They found their forever homes already and are now living as pets with new names: Ethel and Lucy.

Yelena – A Beautiful little buckskin doeling, with gorgeous coloring and extensive white, and blue eyes! She was tiny compared to Yennifer. She is not registrable, but her sire is registered – please see our “Meet the Herd” page for info about their sire: WesCo Apollo. She (now Lucy) and her sister went to their forever home as bottle babies on June 1, 2023. Last report, they are doing great!

Yennifer – A Beautiful black and white doeling, with blue eyes! She was quite a bit bigger than her sister at birth. She is not registrable, but her sire is registered – please see our “Meet the Herd” page for info about their sire: WesCo Apollo. She (now Ethel) and her sister went to their forever home as bottle babies on June 1, 2023. Last report, they are doing great!
WesCo Briseis

Briseis was due April 17, she surprised us with two healthy kids a day early on April 16, a buckling and a doeling. Meet Cesare and Chione. Cesare is polled and has blue eyes, and Chione is a beautiful little black doeling with a frosted nose, frosted ears, and a single white spot. They have a great pedigree with bloodlines through both Desertnanny, Castle Rock, Flat Rock, and Cottonwood Croft. Please see their full pedigree on our Herd Page.

Ceseare is a gorgeous little blue eyed, polled buckling. This boy is SO laid back, his favorite thing to do is crawl in our lap, push any other kids out of the way, and just “Chill” in our lap. His sire is our boy HJ Summit B Finan, AGS Registered, he will be ADGA registered as soon as ADGA fixes their system! Ceseare (pronounced Chez-Are-Ray) has stolen our hearts, and with his excellent pedigree through Castle Rock, Flat Rock, and Desertnanny, we are retaining him. Please see his pedigree details on our “Meet our Herd” page.

Chione (Pronounced Ki-Own-Nee) is our beautiful little black doeling with frosted ears, a frosted nose, and a single white spot on her left side. She is now called “Jet” and went to her forever home on June 27th, along with our girl Callisto (see WesCo Boudicca) and check out her great pedigree on our “Meet the Herd” page.

WesCo Brida

Brida Kidded April 11, 2023. She had quadruplets! As a first freshener, this girl is a super momma. She had two bucklings and two doelings. They have great bloodlines through their sire, WesCo Apollo. Their grand sire is our herd sire Desertnanny Dark Frost, AKA “Thor.” Please see our “Meet the Herd” page for pedigree information. Meet Charon (blue eyed, polled buckling), Crixus (gorgeous little black buckling), Ciri and Cassie (now Anne and Diana – going to their new home 06/25/23!) Two beautiful little doelings, both polled, like their mother. These kids aren’t registrable, but they are beautifully marked. Please Contact Us if interested in the boys.

Crixus is an adorable little buckling. Sire is our own WesCo Apollo, ADGA registered. He is a healthy 2 month old bucking. He is being weaned is ready to go to his forever home. See Our Herd page for his pedigree info. Asking $150, unregistered – please Contact Us He is a sweetheart, loves to climb in your lap.

Charon is a gorgeous little blue eyed, polled buckling. Sire is our own WesCo Apollo, ADGA registered. He is a healthy 2 month old bucking. He is being weaned is ready to go to his forever home. See Our Herd page for his pedigree info. Asking $150, unregistered – please Contact Us He is a real ham, loves to be loved on!

Cassiopeia- Beautiful little polled doeling. Was born almost simultaneously with Cirilla. She was SO tiny compared to the boys. We made sure she got her colostrum, and opted to make her and her sister bottle babies, since they could not compete against their giant (by comparison) brothers. She is not registrable, but her sire is registered – please see our “Meet the Herd” page for info about their sire: WesCo Apollo. She (now Diana) and her sister will be traveling to their forever home on June 25, 2023.

Cirilla – A Beautiful little polled doeling. Was born almost simultaneously with Cassiopeia. She was also SO tiny compared to the boys. We made sure she got her colostrum, and opted to make her and her sister bottle babies, since they could not compete against their giant (by comparison) brothers. She is not registrable, but her sire is registered – please see our “Meet the Herd” page for info about their sire: WesCo Apollo. She (now Anne) and her sister will be traveling to their forever home on June 25, 2023.
WesCo Boudicca

Boudicca Kidded April 07, 2023. She had. Twins, a buckling and a doeling. Meet Cronus and Callisto. Cronus has blue eyes, and Callisto is a beautiful little buckskin, the spitting image of her dam.
They have a great pedigree with bloodlines through both Desertnanny, Castle Rock, Flat Rock, and Cottonwood Croft.
Please see their full pedigree on our Herd Page.
WesCo Cronos Is a blue eyed gorgeous little buckling. Sire is HJ Summit B Finan, AGS Registered, will be ADGA registered as soon as ADGA fixes their system! Cronos is a healthy 2 month old Blue-eyed bucking. He is being weaned is ready to go to his forever home. See Our Herd page for his pedigree info. Asking $300 – please Contact Us He is super affectionate!
WesCo Callisto Is a beautiful little buckskin. Sire is HJ Summit B Finan, AGS Registered, can be ADGA registered as soon as ADGA fixes their system! Callisto is a healthy 2 month old doeling. She is being weaned and is going to her forever home next week. See Our Herd page for her pedigree info. She is super sweet and loving!